Taken from: www.theboldimpactgroup.com
Making my way downtown is how I have always imagined my life would be; being able to withstand certain demands from the outside world and at the same time enslaving thy self towards the perfection that I have always aimed for. However, as I age and mature, I realize that I am already perfect and complete. Yes, I have to believe such in order to be who I want to be. In other words, boosting the self in ways that would help me achieve my goals and objectives in life and be satisfied at the same time is my main priority.

Neuro Linguistic Programming, hereinafter referred to as NLP, serves as the building blocks in enabling the self towards the satisfaction that it years for. Yes, year as it has been one of life’s many impending and continuous goals that each aims to accomplish. More so, to be satisfied both innately and externally allows the self to learn how to expect the unexpected and appreciate even the minutest detail in life.

I have to learn how to be genuine and true. I need to discover my strengths and weaknesses in relation to my aim to be satisfied. I have to act in accordance to how I want my life to be and  thus learn to grope on my abilities and exhaust them to their fullest potentials. Through such, I would be able to live the life that I have always craved for and more so, be who I aim to be.

My goals and objectives in life are my light at the end of the tunnel. They pull me towards them and thus I have to make sure that I do – whatever the cost may be. I have to understand the intensity of my being and allow it to flourish alongside my own development. In other words, I must have a mutual appreciation and relationship with my whole self to be able to do what I must before all is taken away from me.

The way I see it, I have to take one-step at a time and learn to be in control. I must carry out a tune and belt when needed and refrain from overusing my vocal chords. Just like in life, be persuasive to an extent and know your limits but do not be defined by them. Instead, use your being limited to your advantage and see how you are able to transform yourself in being the ideal you –this time, your real life ideal you.

NLP seeks to empower the self. NLP wants the self to actualize its potentials and utilize them to his advantage. It wants to have a self that is pleasingly empowered from the inside and externally prepared to withstand whatever life has to offer. In short, to be ready of the many trials and challenges that one is to face in his lifetime.

Being your true you is not difficult, despite what others might say, it is actually easy and could be achieved by all. We make life difficult and nothings else. Think about it.

Taken from: Flickr.com
Awareness begets acceptance and vice versa. Although coupled with a number of questions, still, at the end of the day, one accepts. Indeed, a tedious cycle to begin with but such implies how the human being is able to think and live accordingly. To connote accordingly here implies a subjective one that deals with how an individual sees to it that he is able to satisfy his goals and objectives in life.

I know I am not perfect nor is my life complete but the mere fact that I am aware of my limitations, I am able to accept such fact with all that there is. I may be full of questions and blinded conclusions but still I am able to accept who I really am. I admit, everybody wants to be perfect but has it ever occurred to you that your imperfection is what makes you perfect? That your incompleteness is what makes you complete? Thus, your limitation is what makes you whole.

 Although we purposely intend to be a somebody amidst the many nobodies out there, we forget that, since the beginning, we are already a somebody. We may not be as famous as those publicly owned celebrities or politicians who makes headlines but in our own right, we are a somebody. Well, to begin with, we are as complete as they are. The only difference is that we keep our greatness to a minimum and from the prying eyes of the public. As much as we are public individuals, we too are private as far as living the life that we have always wanted is concerned.

It is of no contest that part of us aims to be like them, living a luxurious life like royalties do. Admittedly, we become jealous of their status and hope that it was us on their positions. We become fanatically caught up with them that we tend to mold our lives according to how they are living theirs. More so, we want to be as lucky as they are that we do everything, in our powers, to be like them. However, we would never be like them or anybody else. We have our own identity and individuality that is primarily unique and distinct from everybody else. Our goals and objectives differentiate us from that of the rest. That we have different needs and wants that separates us from them.

Indeed, it is easier to be caught up in our own utopia where everything is perfect but it is best to be living the life that we have and put our perfection into good use. We just need to learn to use them and make use of them. That is where Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy® (TLT) and NLP Hypnosis (Hypnosis) comes is. Such aim for the betterment of the whole self thus it seeks to empower the innate self in lieu of the external self. In short, NLP, TLT and Hypnosis seeks to help the development of the holistic self to be aware and accepting of his own perfection.

Taken from: momitforward.com
Life is what we make of it. It is not dependent upon anybody’s definition nor is it reliant upon a particular one. It flows like the water in the ocean thus it is unstoppable. In short, life’s very definition relies on one’s ability to live his life.

Although meanings and definitions on what life is has been said and been used by many other individuals, it is still not sufficient to encapsulate what life really is. To attempt proves of one’s ability to conquer the many slopes of life and never giving up enables him to sway from the many dictates of the society to stop. Yes, there are those who would applaud you for the attempt but, on the contrary, there are those who would stop you from furthering your quest. They say it’s jealousy, and I think so, too, but come to think of it, it is more than jealousy even.

Of what that attitude is would remain a mystery. Feelings and emotions are involved thus it is difficult to meddle in, intellectually that is. When emotions are involved, the intellect tends to shut down and vice versa. However, that should not be the case. That should never be the case.

Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP for brevity, allows both the intellect and emotions to work together. Utopia, as it may seem, but with NLP it is possible. Triggering the unity between the neurological and linguistic abilities of the individual through specifically designed trainings and seminars paves the way for the individual to experience bliss in the self.

Yes, a blissful yet painstaking life is what NLP is all about. Realization of the life you have and of the possible one that you will have are meddled in thus emotions and feelings from the past would be rekindled. It is then but inevitable that the past would be excavated thus it might disrupt the way you are already living your life.

NLP works backward then forward. It seeks to help the empowerment of the self through a reflection of the past and at the same time learning how to let it go. Yes, NLP seeks to rebuild your own self through your own initiative. You become aware of your past, present and future altogether thus making it easier for you to be attentive of your life in general.

Indeed, you are the only one who could define what life is. Though universally accepted to exist, life that is, still its very definition lies on our own ability to decipher and fathom it. I make my own life thus I can answer what life is.

Being able to withstand the demands of the outside world exemplifies one’s confidence. To be confident enough to address the many impending trials and challenges imposed by the world allows the self to be strong. Strong here connotes the intensity of being able to surpass and overcome each ordeal, though maybe not with excellence, but with poise.

Stepping out of the box does not necessarily imply going beyond the borders. It merely states to allow the self to experience other than the usual. To say the least, it speaks of embracing the presence of change and making the most out of it.  

Human as we are, we are expected to play life by the neck. We have the audacity to make the journey and back with confidence. Though again, not one with flying colors, but to surpass the many circumstances that comes along the way. I, for one, am not shy to give my admittance to failure. For me, mistakes are but my lessons and successes are but my guidelines. Indeed, to be mistaken or encounter uneventful hardships is but inevitable, the question really is, can I surpass it? It is not the end all and be all that matters but our ability to conquer such ordeal; the steps undertaken to surpass such is what really matters.  

Getting yourself learned of a particular method of helping and alleviating the self from the pain brought about by mistakes has been one of our past times. To say the least, we divulge into the idea of being able to help the self be the self that we have always yearned for. We like to discover and re-discover our innate self thus allowing us to take life with sturdiness. Indeed, we clamor for anything that, we think, could help us be successful and be an individual all at once.

Neuro Linguistic Programming, hereinafter referred to as NLP, is one powerful method to adhere to. It seeks to help the self be innately empowered and more so keep abreast with the external world. More so, NLP deals with the development of both an individual’s intellectual and emotional ability to live the life that he has always wanted. In other words, NLP aims to help the individual build a self that could withstand the many demands of both his innate and external self.

To step outside the box is what NLP is all about. It teaches the self to let go and move beyond his comfort zone. Thus, do not be afraid to take a step further than your normal. Instead of fear, be excited to take a new ordeal.  

In the business realm, a company is mandated by law to establish its company mission and vision statements, which serve as the company’s timeline, before everything else. As per directive, a company shall be equipped with its corresponding goals and objectives that would serve as their prime consumer and company motivator to aid them towards success. In other words, both the vision and mission statements pave the way for a company to sustain a competitive advantage over others.

A vision statement answers the question, “Where do we want to be?” On the other hand, a mission statement answers, “What is the purpose of the company?” It could purposely be inferred that both statements are considered inevitable and significant in allowing growth and development in the personal and professional level of the company.

A company could not function without a vision statement as it acts as the main framework of the path that the company wants to traverse. Rationally speaking, a vision statement outlines what the company wants to achieve or how it intends to achieve its goals and objectives in the future. In other words, the vision statement foresees where the company would be in the coming years.

On the other hand, a mission statement classifies the basic purpose of an organization or a company, pithily describing the raison d'être of its existence and the means in accordance to achieving its end. It defines the reason of the company and expounds on the purpose behind its creation.

A company on the rise is like an individual trying to find himself. He seeks for his purpose and is out to define his existence. In short, Neuro Linguistic Programming goes beyond the usual and focuses on the likeness of a being in coordination with personal growth and development.

In the aforementioned, a company on the rise could be understood and thought of as an individual seeking meaning in life. Though individualistic in approach, Neuro Linguistic Programming could be utilized in aid of the company as a whole. The company could be seen and appreciated as an individual entity seeking for growth amidst the competition around it. More so, it aims to bring forth acceptance, awareness, and realization in the company in its efforts of achieving its goals and objectives.

With the presence of Neuro Linguistic Programming, the company and its workforce begin to understand the need to be in sync with each other as a form of oneness or belongingness. It further measures underlying strength among company members. More so, with NLP, the company and its workforce begin to understand its own needs, wants, and desires, thus warranting a unified movement towards success.

Therefore, Neuro Linguistic Programming, as a powerful method of intervention, could be used to aid a new or struggling company towards meeting their targets and objectives. Furthermore, it serves as a tool in helping both the company and the workforce achieve growth and development both internally and externally.